Artist Bio
Dylan Eccleston is a human-centered creative whose expansive work involves styles and forms ranging from artistic direction and space design, to mixed media art pieces, and most recently– large metal and wood fire sculptures. His origins as an artist began when he was a young boy who enjoyed building Lego designs that weren’t on the box and including fangs with blood on his Easter bunny drawings for class (much to his kindergarten teacher’s dismay). Dylan’s over two decades of experience in various art and art-adjacent careers such as carpentry, installation, interior design, and hair styling equip him with the technical skills needed to pull off amazing feats of artistry that leave admirer’s saying, “Whoa, how did he do that?” It’s this very expression of awe and wonder that fills Dylan’s artist soul.
Like his paintings, Dylan believes that it’s the layers that make humans and life beautiful. He hopes that the art he creates and the stories/community that emerge as a result of them will leave “people inspired and emboldened to make their own art that inspires others.” Dylan lives in San Diego County and has two sons that inspire him to be the best artist and human he can be each day.
Artist Statement
Dylan views his work on this project as setting a scene for passers-by that evokes a sense of serenity, empowerment, and nurturing energy like that comfort of being held by someone who is genuinely there to care for you. A reminder that there is inherent goodness in the world and that people are beautiful, especially when given the chance to be burn bright and be truly seen.
Written by Laurie Lynn Olague
Dylan Eccleston is a human-centered creative whose expansive work involves styles and forms ranging from artistic direction and space design, to mixed media art pieces, and most recently– large metal and wood fire sculptures. His origins as an artist began when he was a young boy who enjoyed building Lego designs that weren’t on the box and including fangs with blood on his Easter bunny drawings for class (much to his kindergarten teacher’s dismay). Dylan’s over two decades of experience in various art and art-adjacent careers such as carpentry, installation, interior design, and hair styling equip him with the technical skills needed to pull off amazing feats of artistry that leave admirer’s saying, “Whoa, how did he do that?” It’s this very expression of awe and wonder that fills Dylan’s artist soul.
Like his paintings, Dylan believes that it’s the layers that make humans and life beautiful. He hopes that the art he creates and the stories/community that emerge as a result of them will leave “people inspired and emboldened to make their own art that inspires others.” Dylan lives in San Diego County and has two sons that inspire him to be the best artist and human he can be each day.
Artist Statement
Dylan views his work on this project as setting a scene for passers-by that evokes a sense of serenity, empowerment, and nurturing energy like that comfort of being held by someone who is genuinely there to care for you. A reminder that there is inherent goodness in the world and that people are beautiful, especially when given the chance to be burn bright and be truly seen.
Written by Laurie Lynn Olague