A Universal Symbol
The phoenix is a symbol that transcends time and appears in cultures the world over. And no matter where you go she represents the same theme. That of rebirth, a chance to rise from the ashes and become something new and improved.
Last year we embarked on our Year of the Pheonix.
Dylan Eccelston and I set our own phoenix intentions and have seen the transformative power of this process in our own lives. We had various friends join us and now, we want to invite you all of you to set your own Phoenix Intention.
The phoenix is a symbol that transcends time and appears in cultures the world over. And no matter where you go she represents the same theme. That of rebirth, a chance to rise from the ashes and become something new and improved.
Last year we embarked on our Year of the Pheonix.
Dylan Eccelston and I set our own phoenix intentions and have seen the transformative power of this process in our own lives. We had various friends join us and now, we want to invite you all of you to set your own Phoenix Intention.
We all have our own phoenix stories, where we look back on a rock bottom experience that triggered a fantastic rebirth.
But what if we didn't have to keep learning the hard way? What if we could trigger a phoenix experience in the present, rather than just reflecting on it with hindsight?
Setting a Phoenix Intention
What aspects of yourself do you want to change or let go of in the coming year? What do you want to embrace and build upon? Is there a personal struggle that you've identified with for too long? An aspect of your identity that you've held onto past its usefulness? Are you ready to become a better version of yourself? The power of the phoenix is within all of us, and now is the time to embrace it and soar to new heights.
A Phoenix Intention is like a New Year’s Resolution on DMT.
Instead of simply deciding to adopt better habits from the same old framework, it is deciding that you’re willing to fully embrace a level of rebirth in who you are at the core. How does new version of you walk and talk? Does the new you listen to the same music or date the same kind of people?
When I set my own Phoenix Intention last year, I realized that I had been holding onto traumas and using them as a misguided way to connect more deeply with others.
While my desire for sincere connections with as many people as possible was sincere, it had the unintended consequence of keeping active old vibrational patterns that I had already moved past intellectually. As a result, certain experiences kept repeating themselves.
It was scary to intentionally let go of that old version of myself, but I decided to embrace a new me - one who’d accept that he cannot please everybody. For example, I’d continued to identify myself as a person who struggles with his weight because, to some extent, it helped me connect more with folks who shared the same struggle.
But this new version of me may say and do things that upset the status quo. Where as the old me was primarily concerned with everyone getting along, the new me is more devilishly eager to shake things up and rock some boats. The new me is saying things with less censorship and celebrating the amazing privileged life he lives rather than apologizing for it. As Captain Malcolm Reynolds (of Firefly fame) said, "I aim to misbehave."
Dylan set his intention to be a person who more openly embraces his community. I’ve watched him fan the flames of his inner hidden extrovert. When he began his Year of the Phoenix, he was more likely to look for reasons not to leave his basement art studio. But now, he’s a full time professional artist and I regularly see him at events and outings even I didn’t make it to! His entire lifestyle and energy is different than year.
Now, Dylan and I invite you, our friends, family and community from all around the globe, to set your own Pheonix Intention.
You can keep your Phoenix Intention private or share it publicly, whichever feels more comfortable for you.
You can be as detailed or vague as you like.
If you feel called to, we would love it if you shared your intention with the world using the hashtag #myphoenixintention.
Let's inspire and support each other as we embrace the transformative power of the phoenix. By setting our intentions and letting go of what no longer serves us, we can rise from the ashes and soar to new heights.
Host of Burner Podcast
But what if we didn't have to keep learning the hard way? What if we could trigger a phoenix experience in the present, rather than just reflecting on it with hindsight?
Setting a Phoenix Intention
What aspects of yourself do you want to change or let go of in the coming year? What do you want to embrace and build upon? Is there a personal struggle that you've identified with for too long? An aspect of your identity that you've held onto past its usefulness? Are you ready to become a better version of yourself? The power of the phoenix is within all of us, and now is the time to embrace it and soar to new heights.
A Phoenix Intention is like a New Year’s Resolution on DMT.
Instead of simply deciding to adopt better habits from the same old framework, it is deciding that you’re willing to fully embrace a level of rebirth in who you are at the core. How does new version of you walk and talk? Does the new you listen to the same music or date the same kind of people?
When I set my own Phoenix Intention last year, I realized that I had been holding onto traumas and using them as a misguided way to connect more deeply with others.
While my desire for sincere connections with as many people as possible was sincere, it had the unintended consequence of keeping active old vibrational patterns that I had already moved past intellectually. As a result, certain experiences kept repeating themselves.
It was scary to intentionally let go of that old version of myself, but I decided to embrace a new me - one who’d accept that he cannot please everybody. For example, I’d continued to identify myself as a person who struggles with his weight because, to some extent, it helped me connect more with folks who shared the same struggle.
But this new version of me may say and do things that upset the status quo. Where as the old me was primarily concerned with everyone getting along, the new me is more devilishly eager to shake things up and rock some boats. The new me is saying things with less censorship and celebrating the amazing privileged life he lives rather than apologizing for it. As Captain Malcolm Reynolds (of Firefly fame) said, "I aim to misbehave."
Dylan set his intention to be a person who more openly embraces his community. I’ve watched him fan the flames of his inner hidden extrovert. When he began his Year of the Phoenix, he was more likely to look for reasons not to leave his basement art studio. But now, he’s a full time professional artist and I regularly see him at events and outings even I didn’t make it to! His entire lifestyle and energy is different than year.
Now, Dylan and I invite you, our friends, family and community from all around the globe, to set your own Pheonix Intention.
You can keep your Phoenix Intention private or share it publicly, whichever feels more comfortable for you.
You can be as detailed or vague as you like.
If you feel called to, we would love it if you shared your intention with the world using the hashtag #myphoenixintention.
Let's inspire and support each other as we embrace the transformative power of the phoenix. By setting our intentions and letting go of what no longer serves us, we can rise from the ashes and soar to new heights.
Host of Burner Podcast